Testing Our Tools

Preschool 1

Today, during a hands-on activity at the table, the children in Preschool 1 at RisingOaks Early Learning | John Sweeney began using hammers to drive screws into a wooden frame. However, they soon realized that hammers weren't effective for this task. Therefore, we introduced additional tools for further exploration, which included rulers, pliers, an Allen wrench, a tape measure, and various screwdrivers with different head shapes/sizes. Through trial and error, we discovered that only the right size Robertson screwdriver (square head) was fit for the purpose. They remarked on the incompatibility of different tools, noting, “This one is a hexagon so it won’t work.” The activity also spontaneously expanded as they began using the tape measure to determine the length of the frame, then subsequently to measure each other’s heights, and charting which height to see who was the tallest. We concluded that Educator Chase was the tallest by a far margin. 

This learning experience was rich in opportunities for experimentation, discovery, and problem-solving. By engaging with a variety of tools, they practiced critical thinking and determined the proper use of each of the tools, while also developing their understanding of shape and size, which are crucial elements in early mathematical learning. The transition from using wrong tools to identifying the correct one fostered resilience and flexibility in thinking as they went through the trial and error process. Additionally, the collaborative aspect of the activity, where children shared observations and insights, emphasized on the classroom as a community of learners. This experience also encouraged physical coordination and cognitive skills, such as comparing sizes and recognizing geometric shapes, which are foundational for their cognitive development.

Moving forward we could continue to engage with various types of tools to explore their functions, along with the safely aspect of using the tools. Which could lead to the use of the tools with different materials which would allow them to apply what they've learned in a creative context. They can plan and execute small construction projects, enhancing spatial reasoning and collaboration skills. 

Screw driver

measuringhammer time