Winter Olympics

Unpublished Expired
Program Name: School-age 3

This month the children in School-age 3 have been working on our Winter Olympics project. This started when the conversation surrounding the games was growing at school. The following day, there was again growing conversation as a group began talking about the Olympic Games starting February 4th/22 in Beijing. The group decided to embark on their project by creating a poster of the Olympic Winter Games. The children decided to add some drawings highlighting all of the events that will take place. They finished this off by adding the Olympic Rings with the wording Beijing 2022 across the poster. Hailey took on that assignment, as she can relate with her love of skiing and many other Olympic spots. This was a great way to commence our project as it allowed the group to create a sense of belonging and teamwork to finish a collective goal.

The group decided from there they wanted to feel a part of the Olympic Games by picking a Olympic sport (indoor or outdoor sport) and free hand a drawing of them performing the sport. It could be something they are passionate about as Hailey mentioned, “I love skiing and I’m even in a ski team at Chicopee” as she picked Canada and Switzerland as her countries of choice as she mentioned her dads from there. Nyah also mentioned, “I love to ski as well and skating is a passion of mine. I will get my dad to take pictures of me skating pretending I’m competing in the games.” Emily as well mentioned, “I will ask my mom if she can book me in for a skating class, I love skating and we can get photos of me skating.” Nora mentioned, “I love ice hockey I play on a hockey team so I’m picking hockey and draw a picture of me playing hockey for the Canadian team.” Sebastian mentioned he also enjoys skiing and wants to master ski jumps more as a goal and picked Romania for the country he is competing from, as that’s his home country.

After their drawings were done and colored then Kelsey took pictures of each “competitor” of their Olympic sport and added their competition picture with their drawing of their sport. They also took to the games outdoors as they engaged in toboggan race competitions and other activities that allowed them to test out the risk level to get the “gold” medal and then next up silver then bronze. We will continue to do activities involving the Winter Olympics through the next month as the games are still in full force. The children on their spare time have been watching the Beijing winter Olympic Games to help expand their minds on it and inspire them throughout the project.


child designign Olympic flag

Child's sports drawings