
School-age 2

When discussing that it was a brand-new year with the children, the educator brought up the idea of a resolution. Tracey asked “Does anyone want to tell me what their new years resolution is?” “What is that?” some of the children asked. “It’s something you can pick to do better in the next year, I chose a word for my class, it was practice!” Autumn stated.

Colton stated, “I yell a lot and am loud, I am going to not yell!” Emerson took some time to really think about what he wanted to do. “Maybe I should go on my tablet less?” “That sounds like a great idea” Tracey responded. One of the children asked the educator what she was going to pick for her resolution. “Appreciate the little things, it’s always good to try and find happiness in something everyday.” Tracey explained. It was great to see that many of them chose to be kinder to their siblings and to “fight less with them.” The school agers took turns printing their resolution ideas onto the list. They chose what colour they wanted to write it in and what style they wanted it to be.

Paper with school age children resolutions written
This discussion provided the children with the opportunity for self-expression. Choosing what they want to do better on in the upcoming year provides them with autonomy and the opportunity to hold themselves accountable.

Did you make a new year’s resolution for yourself that you can share with your child? Maybe next the School Age 2 group will be asked if they want to start a daily gratitude journal. Positivity can make a world of difference.