Holiday Season

School-age 2

As Christmas quickly approaches, at RisingsOaks | John Sweeney in the school-age 2 program, we’ve planned activities for the children based on the children’s interest and which foster their creativity towards learning and developmental skills. The children incorporated Christmas craft materials such as, trees, popsicle sticks, pompoms, construction papers, pipe cleaners and markers into their activity.  Some children made Holiday cards and Christmas trees by using the popsicle sticks. They precisely decorated their items. We’ve observed the children sharing their enjoyment and creativity with their families. Several children traced their hands to make a Santa Claus. They used red paint to make the hat, white paint to make the beard and black marker to make his eyes and nose. This activity shows that children are competent and capable to create their own designs.

We will scaffold their creativity by introducing more holiday materials that will encourage the children to design and create. Furthermore, we will add Christmas and other Holiday books in our classroom and promote group discussions on the traditions each family celebrates. We hope this will enhance the culture into our program and promote a sense of belonging for all.

collaborating ideasgroup craftingChristmas tree picture

craft collage