Having Fun With Ping Pong Balls


As infants love to play with balls, Jaspreet took out ping-pong balls and some empty containers for them to explore and play with.

As Jaspreet put the balls in an empty basket, Penny got excited listening to the ping-ping sound. She started putting the balls in the big container and every time she put a ball in the container, it created a ping-ping sound. Penny then took a small container with a lid and a hole in it. She tried to put the balls in the container through the hole in the lid. She also put the balls in big container and then lifted it upside down to transfer the balls in the small tin container, which created a sound as the balls hit the tin container.

Margo chose to put the lids on and off on the containers. She would try to put the lids on every container and then take them off from them. Margo problem solved by putting the matching lids on the right containers over and over and laughed proudly when she did it. She then put one lid with small hole in her finger and showed it to Shannon. Margo took out the only white ball from the basket full of orange balls when Jaspreet asked her, “Where is the white ball?” She took it out and gave it to Jaspreet.

George shook the container with some balls in it that produced sound and then took some balls out of it.

Lloyd took out some balls from the basket and a tin container then started banging on it with a ball. He would laugh every time the ball hits the tin container and produce a sound. Lloyd then shook the basket full of balls with both his hands and laughed at the sound of balls hitting each other in the basket.

Leila would put all the balls in the big white container and then transfer them in the small tin container. She also shared some balls with Lloyd.

Ava and Nihal joined other infants. Ava got excited looking at the basket full of balls and would pick the balls one by one and transfer them in the container showing it to Jaspreet. She then banged the two balls together and smiled. Nihal shook the basket with balls in it and then put some balls in the small container. He then took them out one by one and bounced them over the plexiglass which created a ping-ping sound after hitting the plexiglass. He did it over and over and laughed.

The infants developed hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as they used their hands to transfer the balls from one container to another. They also interacted socially as they shared the balls with each other. It also helped in colour recognition as Jaspreet labelled the different colours to the infants. I wonder what other things can be used for transporting from one container to another for the infants?

An infant is holding a metal bucket and baning a ping pong on the bottom of the bucket.

Two infants are playing with ping pong balls and putting them into bins.