All About Plants

Program Name: School-age 1

With the seasons changing and the warmer weather approaching, our curiosity and learning in School Age One have shifted towards our natural environment surrounding us outside. The children have had more opportunities to enjoy the warmer weather and explore the environment with a hands-on approach. The children have enjoyed nature walks through our community forest while observing how nature changes each passing season.

Currently, at school age one, the children are learning the life cycle of seeds and how they grow into mature plants. We conversed with the children about their favourite fruits and vegetables to promote thinking. We listed some examples and then asked the children to think about how fruits and vegetables grow. With this in mind, the educators of School Age One provided the children with materials to deepen their understanding of the cycle of plants.

An educator explained to the children how seeds need soil, water, and sunlight to grow. The children learned that with proper care and nutrients from these elements, the seed would grow into either flowers or vegetables. For example, the educator explained that our bodies also need water and healthy food to grow big and strong.

Afterwards, the children could pick their seeds to plant in small planters. Each child placed soil into their planter in small groups while observing the soil properties. They noticed the texture and mentioned how it felt a bit wet. "You need to make a tiny hole for the seeds," one child stated as he poked his finger in the soil. The children carefully placed their seeds inside their pots and covered them with more soil. When the planters were all filled, the children eagerly watered their seeds, hoping to see them grow into mature plants.

We wait with anticipation to see what happens to our seeds!

Children standing with their planter cups

A child and educator working together to select seeds to plant

An Educator having a group discussion with the children