Diverse Learning Experiences

Program Name: School-age 2

March was an exciting month filled with diverse learning experiences for our children. Children embarked on an enriching journey through nature with our forest walk activity. They immersed themselves in the beauty of the outdoors, learning about the eco systems, identifying different plants and appreciating the importance of environmental conservation. Through hands-on exploration, our young adventurers developed a deeper connection with the natural world around them.

Children explored the fascinating plant cycle, from seed sprouting to growth and reproduction. Through hands-on experiments and observations, they deepened their understanding of plant’s role in sustaining life and learned about the environment. 

This month, we celebrated the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan with children, fostering an inclusive environment where cultural diversity is embraced and celebrated.  Children had the opportunity to learn about the significance of Ramadan, its customs, and traditions. Through storytelling, arts and crafts, and engaging discussions, they gained a greater understanding and appreciation for this special time of reflection, gratitude, and community. 

At RisingOaks, we believe in nurturing a culture of mutual respect and understanding.  Throughout March, educators focused on instilling values of empathy, kindness, and inclusivity among children.  Through role playing activities, interactive lessons, and open dialogues we encouraged children to embrace diversity, practice empathy, and treat others with dignity and respect.  Together we strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

An educator and children exploring the forest

An Educator having a group discussion with children

A child painting

A group of children working collaboratively while painting