New Outdoor Exploration

Program Name: Toddler 2

On April 4th the children in Toddler 2 were welcomed, after weeks of anticipation, to explore their new playground environment!

Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds reconstructed our outdoor play environment as they built and provided all kinds of new and exciting learning opportunities. We are so thankful for Jill Bienenstock and her team as they carefully and meticulously curated our beautiful playground with all aspects of the children’s learning and development in mind.

Throughout the month, the children immersed themselves in outdoor curriculum and exploration as they enhanced their gross motor capabilities.

From climbing and crawling to running and jumping, the children were able to practice their balance and coordination as they discovered all of the physical play elements that the playground had to offer. These experiences allowed the children to demonstrate their confidence and pride as they showcased their successes and accomplishments with their educators and peers. Across the whole playground you could hear expressions like “I did it!” and “Look at me!” as they shared their excitement with one another. 

Together with their peers, the toddlers nurtured their desire for sensory exploration while also promoting risky play in a safe and natural environment. When in doubt the children would ask an educator for help, or they would only climb within their comfort zone. This allowed for individual choices to be made as they tested their own limits and boundaries. This new environment also exposed the toddlers to sensory rich experiences as they were able to touch, feel, see and smell different types of wood, mulch, sand and soil.

Outdoor child led play can provide opportunities for big body play, sensory rich activities and provides places to connect, problem solve and challenge developing skills sets. We are beyond excited to continue to explore our new playground as we head into the warmer summer months. Stay tuned to see more about all of the benefits of outdoor play! 

A child patting sand down on a stump table in the sandbox.

A child exploring different leveled stumps.

A child standing on a stump.


A child looking through a hollowed log