Trains and Track

Program Name: School-age 1

This month our kiddos worked together on building and construction. They showed a great effort in engaging themselves in collaborative play, showcasing patience in taking turns, and developed amazing social skills by playing together and helping each other build. This play started with building the toy train track and ended up with the chairs.

Two children build wiht blocks and train tracks














It is fun to develop their communication and interaction skills through moving the train around the track. It is open ended learning and I noticed their active engagement.

A child plays with trains on a track











Carter and his other friend started to make a track. He gave instructions to other peers and helped them to build it. Carter said, “We will take a train over the bridge and stop on the platform” as they made a bridge over the doll house and used it for the support. On the other hand, Lincoln and Fife made their train track on the floor. They both helped each other and used their imagination skills to make their track. Rudra and Daksh helped them by connecting the train box with each other and they used all different colours and said that “We are making a rainbow train track”. Some friends showed their interest in building and on the other hand Emilia said, “I want to be a passenger”. Therefore at the end, by using their imagination they put the chairs in the row and said, “Now we can sit in our choo choo train, hurray!”

A group of children play wiht train tracks

A child builds wiht blocks

Two children build a train track