Colour Changing Flowers

School-age 1

Spring has sprung and with it comes lots of beautiful colourful flowers everywhere, especially dandelions. Group 1 decided to conduct an experiment to set out to change white carnations into colourful flowers. The children took turns and engaged in their cooperative play skills as they filled several vials halfway with water and then added 15-20 drops of food coloring of their choice to this. One of the educators then cut each flower stem at a 45-degree angle to help the flower to absorb the coloured water faster. A flower was then added to each vial and left overnight.

The following day the carnations had changed colours, some turning very bright, while others stayed a lighter colour due to rate of absorption. The children demonstrated a sense of proudness and overwhelming support to each other as they congratulated themselves on their ability to change the colour of the carnations.

Throughout the entirety of this science experiment, the children learned that flowers do not need roots to absorb water. Water is absorbed through the tiny opening in the stems and leaves called stomata, which then transport the water to the flower petals. If too much water is absorbed, the leaves can get rid of the excess by sweating. This process is called “transpiration”.


children putting flowers into coloured water